
7天前—-OneofthebestGoogleChromeExtensionforlanguagelearning.ThisextensionisacombinationofLanguageLearningwithNetflix(Beta) ...,LLNisaChromeextensionthatgivesyousuperpowersoverNetflix.Itmakesstudyinglanguageswithfilms/seriesmoreeffectiveandenjoyable.Installfrom ...,2021年8月30日—LanguageReactorisapowerfultoolboxforlearninglanguages.Ithelpsyoutodiscover,understand,andlearnfromnativematerials.,20...

Language Learning with Netflix & YouTube

7 天前 — - One of the best Google Chrome Extension for language learning. This extension is a combination of Language Learning with Netflix (Beta) ...

Language Learning with Netflix

LLN is a Chrome extension that gives you superpowers over Netflix. It makes studying languages with films/series more effective and enjoyable. Install from ...

Language Reactor

2021年8月30日 — Language Reactor is a powerful toolbox for learning languages. It helps you to discover, understand, and learn from native materials.

Language Learning with Netflix

2021年1月2日 — To download language learning with Netflix, all you need to do is go to the Google Chrome Web Store and search for it. Or simply click here.

This Chrome extension lets you learn a new language by ...

2019年2月12日 — Language Learning with Netflix” is a Chrome extension that lets you watch shows with two subtitles on at the same time.

看Netflix 也能學語言!快試試這個Chrome 附加元件吧(使用 ...

2019年2月13日 — 沒錯, 看Netflix 也能學語言!快試試這個Chrome 附加元件吧(使用教學). Ross Wang. by Ross Wang.

Language Learning with Netflix & YouTube

Enhance your language learning experience with our Chrome extension designed for Netflix and YouTube. With simultaneous dual subtitles and integrated ...


你喜歡用網飛追劇跟看電影,但又擔心沒時間背英文單字嗎? Chrome擴展程式LLN: Language Learning with Netflix 讓你邊看邊學,不僅提供中英字幕比對,只要輕鬆移動滑鼠 ...